What is MacLifeInsurance 2.0? MacLifeInsurance is a set of four control panels: KeySaver, FileSaver, EyeSaver, and MouseSaver. MacLife—FileSaver & MacLife—KeySaver: MacLife—FileSaver and MacLife—KeySaver work together to protect your work from system crashes, accidental deletions, power outs, corrupted files, and other Macintosh disasters with two levels of protection. MacLifeInsurance—FileSaver automatically saves files every few minutes or key strokes—making sure that your work is frequently saved to disk. If a power out or crash occurs, you’ll only lose a few minutes or a few keystrokes worth of work! MacLifeInsurance—KeySaver automatically saves every key you type—making it literally impossible to lose any data you type in! If your computer crashes, the power goes out, or you delete a paragraph you later wish you had kept—you’ll just open a special MacLifeInsurance file and get your data back. These two levels of protection will give you the peace of mind of knowing your data is safe—and save you hours of aggravation in the case of a Macintosh disaster. MacLife—EyeSaver: MacLife—EyeSaver protects something even more important than your data—you. Computer related injuries are a serious issue. We all know how tired our wrists can feel after typing on a keyboard for hours, or our eyes feel after staring at a computer screen while working hard on a project. Headaches, back pain, eye strain, or even carpal tunnel syndrome can all result from computer use. At best, such conditions are uncomfortable and drains on productivity. At worst, such conditions can lead to permanent physical damage. One solution would be to avoid using computers—but that’s not an option that many of us can seriously consider. Luckily, one of the most effective safety measures you can take is to take a simple break from your computer to relax your eyes, your wrists, and your back. But too many of us forget to do just that—taking unnecessary risks in the process. The solution is simple—MacLife—EyeSaver. EyeSaver will monitor your computer usage in the background. After a user configurable number of key strokes or minutes, it will display a window on your screen suggesting that you take a break, and then count-down a user configurable number of minutes before you should start working again. MacLife—MouseSaver: MacLife—MouseSaver is an easy to use utility that gives you instant hot key access to a variety of functions. Currently, it offers the following features: —Accelerated Empty Trash —ShutDown —Restart —Sleep —Set Volume… —Mac Task Manager —Switch to Next Application —File Sharing Toggle You can also add hot keys to applications, documents, and control panels for easy, instant hot key access to all your favorite files!